RoHS Compliance

Restriction of (certain) Hazardous Substances (RoHS) is a result of the Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) Directive, which addresses end of life issues on electrical components. The WEEE Directive is essentially concerned with the introduction of hazardous materials into the environment during recycling or disposal.

The RoHS Directive states that certain non-exempt products as well as electrical and electronic products put on the market within the EU must contain less than 0.1% lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), and polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE), and less than 0.01% cadmium (Cd).

Manufacturers of products from computers to IT equipment to clock radios to toasters could find themselves banned from selling their product in the European market if they do not comply to these new directives by the specific dates.

The Material Testing Laboratory at Pune Engineering Company in India have devised testing programs to help clients understand the rigorous RoHS restrictions.Pune Engineering Company has acquired specialized equipment and researched the complex methodologies required to test for the compliance.

PUNE ENGINEERING AND TESTING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED undertakes RoHS and WEEE related compliance testing testing for electronic products and accessories using Non Destructive Screening Method using X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) .

The RoHS Testing Team at PUNE ENGINEERING AND TESTING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is able to analyse for all restricted substances to the required limits to ensure that products meet the requirements and more importantly, do so while still retaining the full product functionality.

Non Destructive RoHS screening (RFA method)

The screening provides indications as to whether and where hazardous substances may exist in the product according to RoHS. It is especially suited, for instance, to gaining a quick overview in goods receipt check or preliminary inspections.

Using our custom tailored portable XRF spectrometer, inspection personell from TCR can simultaneously screen for all five restricted RoHS elements and chlorine (Cl) in a matter of few seconds. Using a Portable XRF, is a non-destructive, in-situ point-and-shoot screening method for PVC, PE, alloys, metals, solders, ceramics and packaging materials.

Chemical Analysis by ICP (Verification method)

RoHS testing is carried out using an initial screening test by XRF, then if high levels of restricted substances are found, further tests may be carried out using ICP, and wet chemistry. The Chemical Analysis department at PUNE ENGINEERING AND TESTING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED, provides all clients with accurate, precise results that report the total levels of RoHS elements and compounds and their product fully meet RoHS requirements.